Chakra Mandala Art Prints & Stickers

She finally sprung to life – Muladhara – Root Chakra. It was a long time coming. My on again off again journey with this set of Chakra Mandala Healing series, but they are finally here – all 7 of them!
I belong to this world. I am grounded & safe. I appreciate my body and nourish it with healthy foods. I have endless opportunities.

She eventually flowed through me & into life – Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra – and she’s the second body of work in my Chakra Mandala Healing series.
I trust my intuition. My desires are important & I allow them to guide me. It’s safe to have life easy and pleasurable. I am one with my creative flow.

After a long time in hibernation, she emerged to shine a light on all – Manipura. Welcome Lustrous Gem I am thankful for your sunny presence. Solar Plexus Chakra Mandala – the 3rd body of work in my Chakra Mandala Healing series.
I am Worthy. I honour the power within me. I listen to and trust my deepest desires. I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.

From my heart to yours – Anahata – Heart Chakra Mandala – the fourth body of work in my Chakra Mandala Healing series.
I am worthy of love. I am open to all the love that surrounds me. I am loved & supported. I trust in my ability to love.

Throat Chakra – Listening intently & allowing her guiding voice to express her truth onto paper. Creating & Becoming – Vishuddha – the 5th body of work in my Chakra Mandala Healing series.
I have the power of choice. I’m guided by my deepest purpose. Creativity flows in and through me. I express myself with clear intent.

3rd Eye Chakra-Through her eyes I saw, her vision guiding my hands to paint & draw Ajna – Trusting my inner guidance & allowing my imagination to birth her into life. I now see all that was meant for me. Connected to my highest truth I become whole.
I trust my inner wisdom. I avidly follow my dreams. I am responsible for creating the life of my dreams and I do this effortlessly by following my inner guidance.

Crown Chakra Like a beam full of light – she came into sight – Sahasrara my connection to all and everything, my divine guidance and wisdom anchoring me to the present moment. I am completely at peace. She is here. I am here. We are one. All is well.
I am open to the goodness and abundance of the Universe. The more I give the more there is to receive. I am guided by higher power and inner wisdom.
Decorate your Sacred Spaces now!