I drew these cards for the New Moon and thought maybe this might resonate with you too. It sure is something I know I need to work on more…well maybe it’s something that requires constant awareness on my part anyway :) How about you? Is this something that affects you too from time to time?

Comparison.…it can be such a killer of creativity and energy. It can so easily zap us of our power and leave us feeling like victims.
I know for sure that I’ve been a victim of comparisonities – well still am! It’s a work in progress. In the past when it’s hit me, it’s left me paralysed. As in not being able to, for example, create or post on social media.
Yes I know “posting on social media”, so trivial, but whether we like it or not, social media has become and extension of our expressive selves, and when we’re not able to express ourselves freely because of fear of what others might think of us, feeling lesser than everyone else, or not good enough to post – well this takes away part of our freedom of expression and our creative powers!

But this goes for all areas and aspects of life, not just social media. When we feel not good enough to do something we love doing, because someone else is already doing and “so much better “, it can stop us from also enjoying that very journey we are meant to explore.
The important thing here to remember is, that only you can do it the way YOU do it!
There are people out there needing you to create it YOUR way, so they may be helped by it, benefit from it, absorb it, get inspired by it – because the way YOU deliver it is the only way they can CONNECT with it.
So if you don’t create what you are supposed to because of others already doing it, then other people that need exactly what you have to offer miss out big time. And so will you!

Father of Swords asks us “Who is in control of your thoughts? Ego or your higher self?
It’s only when we look at things too long, or let our ego get hold and we start to take everything apart, that it can leave us with that heavy sinking feeling of not enoughness.
When we follow our heart, when we listen to our soul, when we look at things with love and compassion – there is less room for comparison.
But maybe Comparison has it’s place. It can teach us how we would like to live our own lives. It can show us what our soul is yearning to create. What our heart aches for.
So when you start comparing yourself to others, maybe think of the people you are idolising as guides or teachers, showing you what you too are capable of. Thank them. Take a moment in your mind and say “Thank you for showing me what’s possible. Thank YOU for paving the way. I am grateful that you are here doing the work to make it possible for me to do mine.”

And it’s important to remember, that we have no idea what is happening behind the scenes of the ones we compare ourselves to. Sometimes things are not what they seem or portrayed as being.
I believe the biggest lesson here is that, what works for others might not work or be suitable for you!
What you see, even though it might trigger a bit of jealousy or not enoughness, might not be something you are ACTUALLY wanting to do yourself. Or something that is in line with your values or your way of doing life.
So when it hits you – comparison – take a moment and connect with yourself. Ask if what you just saw is something you are truly wanting for yourself. Is it something you are willing to make sacrifices for? Would it be on par with your ideal world or life? Does it represent your deepest desires?

The message from Comparison (from the Inner Hue Connected & Free guidebook) is to take time to center and ground yourself and to get back into your body.
So when Comparisonites hits try to rebalance your energy and acknowledge all that you’ve achieved and the journey you’ve traveled so far. Because you have come a long way! Journal about it. Create something you haven’t before. Or experience something you haven’t before. Take time to be outside and enjoy the outdoors. Do something that brings you back home to you and back into your body.
(Maybe this Grounding meditation I wrote for you might help ;))
And according to our main guide here – Father of Swords – WE are the true masters of knowledge and wisdom. We already have everything we need within us. Trust your instincts. Listen to your heart. When comparisonities hits, ask yourself how you truly feel about it all.
Is it your Soul speaking to you, or your Ego?
And remember possibilities and potential is your birthright. What haven’t been discovered or created, lays buried and ready to be brought forth into existence. To be turned into YOUR life. That of miracles and magic. Because YOU are magic and you ARE capable of achieving amazing things.
I am Light
I am Love
I am Capable
I am Enough
Breathe in Father of Swords energy – A clear focused mind full of inner wisdom and KNOW that you are enough & that your message is really important! You are needed in this world. People need your take on things. YOUR way of doing it. And believe me, you are awesome at it!