Energetic Decluttering is on the menu
Leo season is here and with it she brings the energy of Celebration, Fun and Creative Release.
We also have two back to back New Moon’s in Leo which is quite unusual – the first happens this July 22/23 and the second New Moon in Leo a month later 21/22 Aug – which also happens to be a Total Solar Eclipse!
Between these back to back Leo New Moon’s and Solar Eclipse, we also have a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 7/8 Aug hosting a Partial Lunar Eclipse!
Eclipses are powerful catalysts for change.
New Moon’s are ideal for New Beginnings. And Full Moon’s are potent times for Release. Throw in an eclipse or two and we have a perfect opportunity for a powerful makeover, both internal and external.
Aquarius is all about Individualism, Fairness and Independency.
Leo is the Fireball and Forward Mover & Shaker.
Which brings us to our “Moonthly” Reading :)
Ten of Wands can signify burnout or being overworked – taken too much on. The Wands stand for Ambition, Motivation and Inspiration. It’s element is Fire.
The picture from the Ten of Wands shows ten scattered wands on a dark background. For me the keywords that come up are “scattered energy” and “all over the place“, however the keywords from the Wild Unknown Tarot (that this card is from) are “burden” & “the hard road“. Great questions to ask when this card comes up are: “Where are you headed? What is it you really want? What can you do to ease the burden?”
But I feel for this reading and with the upcoming double New Moon’s in Leo and the partial Lunar Eclipse in the Aquarius Full Moon early next month, the energy for Ten of Wands is that of Release and Declutter – the stuff and emotions that makes us feel lesser than magnificent.
Remove all that no longer fit around your dream life. The things that don’t match the vibe or feeling you are wanting. Give it away. Sell it. Write it down and burn it. Whatever you choose…it’s time to let it go.
This includes thought patterns, habits or behaviours that we keep repeating.
It’s time to say Goodbye.
And it’s about lightening up both externally and internally.
The Aquarius energy and Partial Eclipse is screaming at you to create new ways of doing things.
And the energy has already begun.
The Sun is in Leo and with the upcoming Leo New Moon’s, the timing is perfect for you to take the steps necessary to revive your energy and your mundane existence and paint the town red…well don’t do that! But go and have some fun. Now.
Maybe you have been doing the same things for too long?
Leo and Aquarius….they don’t want boring or the same old same old. They want new and different. The card “FUN” from the Inner Hue Connected and Free Oracle talks about – Letting your hair down and having yourself some good old fun!
“You have been burning the candle at both ends, squeezing so much onto an already full plate in many areas of your life. But it’s not rest that will revive you, it is good old fashioned fun. Now is the time to enjoy yourself. Allow this energy to lead you into an adventure.” – Inner Hue Connected & Free Oracle Card (FUN)
And Leo is about shining & she wants…needs you to shine!
Doesn’t mean you need to be in the spotlight although Leo loves it there but to shine from within.
Figure out what makes you feel Exuberant and Playful.
Ask yourself “What makes you feel alive? What new things would you love to try? What structures, routines or belief systems are you willing to let go of in order to bring in more joy and lightness into your world?
Organise and gather your “scattered energy”. Get out of the dark – out of the rut by implementing new, fresh and healthy but FUN routines.
Day to day routines. Make and do more of what you love everyday. Things that not only will make you happier but also make you shine from the inside out and help you become healthier in Body, Mind and Soul.
If you can begin one healthy & fun activity or routine this month – between the two Leo New Moons you’re on to a winner.
- If you’re wanting to loose a few kilos or getting your body back into shape – find a workout or body movement you love or that makes you feel invigorated. The trick is not to get bored so make sure you incorporate some FUN workout activities into your routine.
Some things we can’t change (at once) but we can change the things around them.
- Like changing what you wear to work, or your makeup, hairstyle/do. Or changing how you drive to and from work. New music maybe? Listen to podcasts or an audio training. Drive a different route. Or change your morning routine. Do something fun before you head off. Dance! Go for a run. Do yoga. Meditate. Be creative with your breaky.
- If you are a stay at home mum or dad…or you work from home, then change up your day to day routine. Implement fun and vibrant activities into your day. Do something different or fun – everyday! Spend time outside, gardening or weeding or planting in a creative way. Or sunbake – in the nude or not! Go for a jog. Or dance your heart out to music that makes you come alive. Include your kids. Or your partner. Get on a swing and swing like a child. Draw or paint. Crank up something creative for lunch. Or dinner.
Declutter – remove the things that don’t bring you joy and make your heart leap.
Now is the perfect time.
All this decluttering and elimination might make you feel a little overwhelmed or “heavy”, so make sure you’re nourishing yourself with wholesome nutritious foods and drinks, moving your body gently as well as meditating when you can and you will notice a lighter change within you. This is the stuff that makes you Stronger, Healthier, Calmer, Happier and more Grounded.
And if you need to talk it out with someone – please do so! There’s nothing better than to unburden all the stuff that we have kept inside. Seek help wherever you need it. It’s about you and better ways of doing things. Whatever that means and looks to you!
Planting the necessary seeds for transformation – It all takes a bit of effort but it’s well worth the payoff.
And there hasn’t been a more perfect time than now!
Namaste beautiful Soul M <3 xx