The aim of using the Moon cycles to manifest abundance in your life, whether it be related to health, money, career, lifestyle or anything else you’re wishing to improve, is that it can give you more direction and keep you focused on the intentions you’ve set. Because we see the Moon in her various stages throughout the Lunar cycle, it can keep us reminded and more focused on our set intentions for the month/cycle ahead.
This in turn, can make us more likely to take action towards our dreams, goals and wishes. For thousands of years the Moon has been worshipped, studied and used as a tool for many practises around the world. It’s also so incredibly rewarding to connect with La Luna on a regular basis as her natural rhythms can help us tune in and become more aware and attuned to our own cycles.
A great way to keep track of how your dreams are manifesting, or to even gauge your moods and energy levels, is to use phenology wheels (a circular shaped tracker with the different phases of the moon) and/or moon phase charts (which look more like a conventional calendar). I use both! Each one does a slightly different thing. They track my menstrual cycles, my energy levels, my introversion, my moods and so on. I’ve created a Phenology wheel & a Moon calendar, you can download and use. It’s free (no sign up required) just click on the pic below.
Looking back over these trackers I can see my own cycle, my rhythm and get a clearer idea of where Iโm at or what is causing certain things to happen in my life. I can go back over them, re-evaluate and get back on track if need be!
In this article we’ll have a more in depth look at the Lunar cycle and the various Lunar phases and a brief look at Steps & How we can use the Moon to Manifest & Set Intentions
THE LUNAR CYCLE – A 29.5 Days Journey
The Dark/New Moon
Just a quick but important note about the Dark moon.
Although you CAN begin Manifesting with the Moon process during the Dark/New Moon period, it’s more effective and more powerful, to start the manifesting and intention setting at the time of the New Moon/Waxing Crescent. Please see more below.
What the Dark/New Moon gives us instead is a time for reflection and contemplation which you can actually do just BEFORE the New Moon and the beginning of the manifesting process.
Usually the calendars will mark the time of the Dark Moon as the New Moon which can be a little confusing.
When you see New Moon on the calendars or apps it’s actually the peak of the Dark Moon, and it will show 0% illumination.
The Dark/New Moon is completely dark with no illumination from the sun. A few hours after this event and may sometimes even fall on the next day, will mark the beginning of the New Moon/Waxing Crescent phase.
This means and shows the moon is now illuminated by 1%. A great way to check this for yourself is by downloading an app that shows the moon phases and the percentages of the illumination of the moon as the days go by.
The period of the Dark/New Moon calls for going within. Retreating. Being quiet. Stillness. You’ve worked so hard during this Lunar Cycle, now is the time to just be, let go and do as little as possible. Meditate, journalling, gentle yoga and other mindful activities are wonderful this time. Your intuition will be at it’s peak during this time especially if you take the time to honour it by going within and listen.
New Moon/Waxing Crescent
The new moon is the beginning of the lunar/moon cycle. This is the best time for setting the intention, planting the seeds (figuratively and literally), and starting on the journey. Do this for each New Moon. Even if you haven’t completed your set intentions in the previous Luna cycle, on the next New Moon you can continue what you started, or add something else you are needing to manifest.

Waxing Crescent
The 2 week period after New Moon is called WAXING, meaning the Moon gets more illuminated each day. This is the time where we work on taking action towards our set intentions, wishes, dreams or goals.
The Waxing Crescent phase begins straight after the Dark/New Moon and ends at the time of the First Quarter Moon. During this time the energy is beginning to build. This is a great time for researching and implementing a plan for the intentions you set at the New Moon.
Tune into your intuition and give your body what it needs and what your intentions need to blossom and grow. This is the time to build strong foundations in all aspects of life.

First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon happens approximately 7 days after the New Moon. The Moon is now half dark and half lit. The energy is building up for the Full Moon but itโs important to keep things balanced – like the Moon is showing us. This is the time of breaking free of your shell, of your fears and anything that is holding you back, so you may grow with the increasing light.

Waxing Gibbous Moon
The Waxing Gibbous Moon is the phase between the First Quarter Moon and the Full Moon. This period may feel like not much is happening or that thereโs no growth or movement, even though the Moon is getting fuller. But rest assured there are loads of magic happening in the background, getting ready and preparing for the next stage.
This is a great time for tying up loose ends, checking off your to do listโs and prepare yourself and your environment for the celebrations at the Full Moon.

Full Moon
The Full moon is a super powerful and potent time. La Luna lights up the sky in her perfect silver sphere.
Illuminating all that needs to be seen and understood. The power is heightened & at itโs peak.
Let go of expectations & attachments to certain outcomes. Acknowledge & celebrate all that youโve achieved so far & things you are grateful for.
The time of the Full Moon is the perfect time for celebration and gratitude. When the Moon is full she fills us with power and energy. And abundance! Revel in her magic and enjoy this moment. Step outside & soak up her magical and potent energy! During the Full Moon you can make a gratitude list or have a Full Moon party gathering with your loved ones or likeminded folks. Light a fire. Dance. Fill your body with the Full Moon energy. Breathe in life and all that is possible.
The time of the Full Moon is also ideal for checking in with your body and mind. How are you feeling? How is your body? Do you need more rest or more action? Are you on track? If not what can you change or do to achieve the desired results? And what can you release in the next 2 weeks during the Waning Moon?
Full moon is also a great time for cleansing crystals and gemstones, or anything you use for divination work.

Waning Gibbous Moon
During the Waning Gibbous the Moon is slowly decreasing in light and the energy becomes more reflective. This phase is great for decluttering, releasing & letting go of anything that is no longer needed, both physical & mental for new things to manifest in the coming Lunar cycles.
Donโt give up if your desires havenโt manifested, instead reevaluate & course correct.

Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon is also called the Third Quarter Moon and is a wonderful time for a releasing ceremony.
This phase is perfect for actualizing or releasing all that youโve written about or contemplated on, that you need to let go of, from the Full Moon and the Waning Gibbous Moon. Try a cleansing ritual, or detoxify your body or environment, burn something, or use sage to cleanse and clean.
Time to prepare for the New Moon with a clean and fresh slate.

Waning Crescent Moon
During the Waning Crescent, the Moon is getting less and less visible and this phase is great for us too to retreat for a little rest and recovery. Thereโs been so much going on and itโs a wonderful time to hibernate and spend quality time pampering yourself and giving your body and mind a well deserved rest and opportunity to restore itself.

- First, we start by setting an intention (a wish, dream, goal) at the New Moon/Waxing Crescent.
- The 2 week period after New Moon is called WAXING, meaning the Moon gets more illuminated each day. This is the time where we work on taking action towards our set intentions, wishes, dreams or goals.
- After the approximate 2 week period of the New Moon and Waxing Moon, we arrive at the Full Moon. This is a great time for connecting with La Luna, especially if you can see her in the sky. So make sure you spend some time under her gorgeous light. It’s also a wonderful time to acknowledge and celebrate all that you’ve achieved so far and write down what you are grateful for.
The period around the Full Moon is also a powerful time to have a LOOK at what is needed to be released. So that you can clear any blockages in the next 2 weeks under the Waning Moon.
- After the Full Moon, and for approximately the next 2 weeks, we have the period of the WANING Moon. La Luna appears to be “growing” smaller. This period before the next New Moon is a great time for re-assessing how things are going or developing. This is a time for release and letting go. An excellent time for decluttering and letting go of anything that is holding us back or keeping us stuck. Declutter, remove what no longer serves you, to make room for what you are wanting to manifest.
- At the end of this waning period, a couple of days before the New Moon, marks the time of the Dark Moon, a time for stillness, being quiet, going inward…taking some much deserved time out before the New Moon and a new Lunar cycle begins.
- Then we are back at a New Moon, a new beginning or a continuing journey of discovery and adventure awaits.
- And it starts all over again.
Oh and I’ve created a few FREE goodies & tools to help you Manifest with the Moon! Just sign up to my newsletter LUNAR RHYTHMS to gain access to the ever-growing resource library!

ALTERNATIVELY – the 2025 LUNARIAC covers all things Moon and Lunar living as well as a way to connect our own rhythms and cycles with that of the Cosmos! Trackers, Mandalas, Shadow/Lightwork Journal prompts and so much more!

Further Reading:
Sign up to my Newsletter LUNAR RHYTHMS and receive the FREE yearly “Lunar Conjuring Workbook” designed to “Conjure your Souls Desires” using the Lunar cycle!