Traversing Our Shadows And Opening Ourselves To Potent Portal Of Possibilities
Our final Eclipse of this year is a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – Taurus energy is grounded, earthy, determined, stable, ambitious & laid-back – ruled by Venus & the earth element. This Eclipse will mark the end of this years Eclipse season. Our next Eclipse season begins Mar 24/25 2024 with a Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

This Lunar Eclipse in 5˚ Taurus is the end of the Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis & theme we’ve journeyed through all of last year, with all the Eclipses occurring in 2022 featuring those two signs only. And this year even though we’ve moved into Aries/Libra nodal axis we still experienced a couple of Eclipses in the Taurus & Scorpio signs this year.

The Moon is conjunct Jupiter Rx in Taurus & they’re both in opposition to the Sun, Mercury & Mars all conjunct in Scorpio. This lunation will again activate the energies of 2022 & the Uranus/Saturn square that played out in 2021 & 2022 & January 2023.
These energies were big & transformational, especially as the North Node in Taurus were in conjunction with Uranus for some of the time.

Going back to April/May 2022 – what has changed for you? What stands out? As you stand here at the end of Oct in 2023 – are you a different person to last year? What are some big takeaways from 2022 & this year so far?
The Taurus Moon & the Scorpio Sun make similar aspects to the same planets. The Taurus Moon also sextile Saturn Rx in Pisces & trine Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. The Scorpio Sun trine Saturn Rx in Pisces & sextile Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Saturn Rx in Pisces play a role here too as its in opposition to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. This energy is flirty, sensual & romantic but structural & practical in nature.

We can channel these energies through creative projects or getting our hands dirty in the garden. Playing with clay also comes to mind. Shaping & molding the clay on the pottery wheel, through the power of our hands that is connected to our body & mind.

What else comes to your mind? How can you shape & mold these powerful energies into something of beauty & magic?
Venus the ruler of this lunation is still in Libra & continue her pleasant aspects & trine Jupiter Rx & Uranus Rx conjunct in Taurus & now also Pluto in Capricorn but is in opposition to Neptune Rx in Pisces. Again the energies are flirty, sensual & romantic. Deeply earthy. Grounded.

The aspects playing out this Taurus Lunar Eclipse can be a game-changer. Through opening ourselves to this potent portal of possibilities it asks us to let go of something that is no longer in our best interest & to bring in something that will change the way we see ourselves & the world. This is our time now. Our time to thrive & feel abundant in life.

What needs to go & what needs to come in?
Go deep with the Scorpio influenced energies & penetrate the blockages & pain that may reside within us. Probe your way in & through your shadowscapes. Gift it light. Witness it transmute as the moonths go by until our next Eclipse season begins again.

We still have the big planets of change joining forces signalling big powerful & everlasting changes. Uranus Rx in Taurus sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces & trine Pluto in Capricorn & Neptune Rx in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn.

What are you ready to say yes to? Who do you have to become to be able to bring that in?

Journal & express all your desires. Work out who you are & who you want to become. Find others who share the same values. Start small & see the evolution of your first small steps blossoming into something big & beautiful.

Enter the Magic of the Astro & Luna Planner & Journal!