Conjure Your Soul's Desires

MEDITATION || A Connection to You

Meditation Mandala || Mandala Soul Designs

I can’t recommend meditation enough. It’s so incredibly beneficial and is guaranteed to change your life!

It has certainly changed my life!

I always had difficulty meditating. I found it incredibly hard to switch off – there were always soooo much else I needed to do, clean, tidy, create and think about.

Then there was the constant blabbering in my head, mindchatter on steroids – well actually that hasn’t really changed! But it’s different now, and I’m so much more aware of what is going on up there in brainville.


In the beginning it can be tough, hard, difficult – FEEL impossible!

Especially if you’ve struggled for many years, gone through trauma of any kind, and if you’ve suffered from depression and pain – there might be even extra resistance.

And that’s ok. It’s important to realise and accept that your journey is different to everyone else’s. Just keep going.

The most helpful thing you can do is let go of comparing yourself to others and their journey!


I really struggled with constantly analyzing how I did my meditations. I compared myself to everyone else. Most of the time it seemed so different to the way I was doing it or where I was able to do it. I honestly thought it wasn’t good enough and ultimately that I wasn’t doing it right.

The thing is, knowing what I know now – I was actually meditating. Even with all that mindchatter and endless thought patterns – it was all still helping. And I also know now that it’s ok for the mind to wander a bit, and it will, especially in the beginning.

Try not to get too caught up in thinking that you’re not supposed to be thinking!! Just go with the flow. It all helps and it will get easier to tune out and tune in.

Meditation Mudra || Mandala Soul Designs


On my quest to heal from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and my everyday reality living with chronic pain, I was fortunate to attend a free anxiety course that was running in my local town. This is going back a few years now to 2012. (And anxiety and depression are closely linked to chronic fatigue and pain. I would love to go further into this, but that will have to be in another post! )

Attending this course was incredibly challenging for me at the time, as my anxiety and chronic pain was at its peak. We’re talking whole body trembling and shivering, heart palpitations, sweating, difficulty swallowing – wanting to run…

But I stayed. And we got to do breathwork – which was a life saver and helped in calming my mind and body. But that wasn’t the only thing that helped me. Amanda, one of the lovely psychologists running this anxiety course, used her voice to guide us on a meditation. And it was click! Magic!

Her voice took me to another place. Really helped me tune out, and in return tune in.

It allowed me to surrender and be taken on a deeply relaxing journey that left me feeling refreshed and calm afterwards. Yes – amazingly. Miraculously! I then knew, this was it – the anwer to a lot of my struggles and health issues. The beginning of my healing journey.

Without meditation, my everyday life would still be crippled by chronic pain and constantly be suffering from chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression. I can’t stress enough how incredibly beneficial meditation has been in changing my life. It has been by far my most powerful healing tool. It’s magic!

If you have difficulty meditating on your own, I highly recommend guided meditations! So simple. But oh so powerful.


The biggest advice I can give is to be patient and to trust yourself. Experiment and develop your own meditation ritual. Please remember there’s no right or wrong way. Only you know what’s right – what works for you. I know that if you incorporate meditation into your every day life, your life will change for the better! It can help develop your intuition, focus, direction and help relieve anxiety and pain and so much more – the benefits are endless!

If you incorporate meditation into your every day life, your life will change for the better!


I recommend meditating as often as you can. Be consistent, if it’s tricky for you – persevere, don’t give up!

Of course we all have very busy lives and it so hard to cram in yet another thing we “have to do”. But in reality it’s just Self/Soul Care. A beautiful and magical way of connecting our body, mind and soul. And when we get a chance to regularly meditate life becomes easier. All of a sudden, very subtly, good things happen and start to fall into place. It’s incredible.

I truly hope you too get a chance to experience the magic that meditation can evoke into your life. I wish you all the best with finding the right form of meditation or meditational tracks that resonate with you.

It is a bit experimental. One size certainly doesn’t fit all. Just keep trying. Have fun. Enjoy the journey.

Bliss out.

<3 M xx

What you seek is seeking you - Rumi || Mandala Art by Mandala Soul Designs

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