Working with the Moon cycles, seasons, planets & all the celestial bodies and events is truly empowering.
So much of our inner worlds and patterns get unearthed. Itโs a richer more rewarding way to do life. Tuning into Moon and the natural seasons allows us to feel more in sync with our own cycles and rhythms.
Living this way, we get to understand ourselves and our cycles. We become more in tune and in turn more intuitive.
Hopefully these simple 6 steps will help you gain insight into your own patterns and cycles and help you manifest magic & miracles into your life.

STEP 1: All About the Current Energy
Grab a journal, Diary or Planner and at the time of the Dark/New Moon write down the current feels and energy.
How are things for me RIGHT now?
How am I feeling? (Physically, Mentally & Emotionally?)
What areas of my life are going well? What areas aren’t?
How is my BODY feeling? Scan your body/Chakras/Aura and write down your findings.
How have I been Sleeping?
How is my overall Health & Wellbeing?
What do I feel I need to let go of or release?
What am I GRATEFUL for?

STEP 2: Map out Our Desires and Dreams
What do I most Desire this Lunar cycle?
How do I want to feel?
What do I wish to Achieve or Accomplish?
What do I wish to Grow or Nurture?
What can I do or add to Connect with my Wild Self?
How will I Nourish myself through the Lunar cycle?

STEP 3: Affirm & State
WRITE DOWN A FEW AFFIRMATIONS OR STATEMENTS OF YOUR WISHES/DREAMS/DESIRES/GOALS (as if they have already happened or are in the process of happening)
- I am connected to my body and always know what it needs.
- My life is flowing with ease and I consistently take action on my dreams.
- Meditation comes easy to me and I love how Meditation makes me feel.
Basically write Affirmations/Statements of your desires for that particular Lunar cycle as if they are already true.

STEP 4: Bringing it Together.
What are the most important ACTIONS I can take this Lunar cycle to step closer to my dreams and goals?
Gain clarity. Map it out & Plan it;
Pick out the most important steps from above that you feel you’ll need to do or take action on to achieve set dreams/goals.
Write them down or better schedule them in to your Diary, Calendar or Planner in order of importance.

STEP 5: Check in & Progress
At the FULL MOON about a couple of weeks after the New Moon and Step 1, take a look at your progress with your set dreams/goals. (You can also do this at the First & Last Quarter Moon as well or instead – but do check in at least once to see how things are going!)
Do I feel I’m still on the right track? Am I still excited about my goals/plans?
Have I ticked off any steps or tasks?
What still needs doing? What can I let go of or is no longer important?
What needs to be completed?
What further actions can I take to commit to my intentions?
How am I feeling? What is my emotional state?
What conflict needs to be assessed or reevaluated?

STEP 6: Contemplation & Recap
Use the powerful energy of the Dark Moon (a day before the New Moon) to take a close look back on the Lunar cycle and see what worked, what didn’t, what intentions came true or didn’t, how you are feeling and to see how your energy has been throughout.
What was my OVERALL energy?
How did I feel? (Physically, Mentally, Emotionally?)
What Goals did I achieve this Lunar cycle?
What still needs to be done?
What were the highlights this Lunar cycle?
What am I most grateful for?
What am I most PROUD of?
Use a notebook or journal to fill in these steps and questions. Decorate it and make it your own! This will be your own magical manifesting journal – a way for you to make your wildest dreams come true – yeah I know sounds soo cliche but hey it’s the truth! It’s happened to me – It will certainly happen to you too!!!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these simple 6 steps to Manifest with the Moon article and you apply these powerful steps into your life. The Moon is our anchor – we see her through her stages and when we become aware of her in this way we also become aware of us – our inner cycles, phases and rhythms.
As Within so Without – as Above so Below.
For more ways of working with the Moon phases and the Lunar cycle – sign up to the moonthly Lunar Rhythms Newsletter & download the free Lunar Conjuring workbook – featuring New Moon Dream Amplifiers and Full Moon Mandalas and moon contemplation.
Yes I want the Free Lunar Conjuring Workbook!
** If you would like to take it even further – the 2024 ASTRO & LUNA PLANNER and the all NEW JOURNAL are filled with ways to not only make our wildest dreams come true but also a way for us to live and follow the Moon and her Celestial companions.
The 2024 Astro & Luna Planner features – New Moon Dream Amplifiers, Full Moon Mandala Portals, Calendars, trackers, journal prompts, Dark Moon Releasing and sooo much more!! Take a peak through the previous 2023 Astro & Luna Planner here.**

Check out the 2024 Astro & Luna Planner and the all NEW Journal here